Hunting for gold in the kids’ candy bags? There’s no way we can tell you that candy is healthy, but we can at least try to warn you off of the varieties that are especially bad for your teeth.
Sticky treats —Not only do sticky fillings, taffy, caramels, etc. stick to your teeth longer, they also can pull out restorations.
Hard candies —Chewing hard candies can break teeth. Also, candy left in the mouth for a longer length of time (like lollipops) creates more time for bacteria to feed on that sugar.
Sour candies —These goodies are even more acidic than other candy. The acid combines with the sugar to create a great environment for decay.
So enough with the doom and gloom. Enjoy Halloween—just make sure you give your teeth an extra good brushing and flossing before finally hitting the sack (the bed, NOT the candy sack again!).