
Gum Disease and a Spinal Infection?

Your gums should fit snugly around your teeth. If this isn’t the case – it’s time to consult a dental specialist!

Employee Spotlight: Meet Diane Lester

Diane loves that “Periodontists look at the big picture.”

Dental Implants in One Day!

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime.

More about Autogenous Grafting

Autografts are used in surgical reconstruction and are considered the “gold standard” for predictable grafting results.

Christine Parkes

It’s All in the Family: Spotlight on Christine Parkes

“I love seeing patients so happy with their results!”

Gum Disease and the Rest of Your Body

You can pass on the germs associated with gum disease to another person by kissing or sharing utensils.

Busting Myths About Dental Implants

We can give you a healthier, more functional and attractive smile no matter your age.

Learn About Oral Health and Menopause

Decreases in estrogen levels can contribute to bone loss not only in the spine and hips, but elsewhere, like your jaw.

What is “Immediate Loading” and Are You a Candidate?

With immediate loading of dental implants, we can instantly improve lives forever, helping patients to maintain their smile or, in many cases, dramatically improve aesthetics and function all at once.

Spotlight on Dr. Dimitry Klass

Dr. Klass lives in Philadelphia and loves the “vibrant food scene” offered in the City of Brother Love!