Periodontal disease is similar to other chronic diseases, such as diabetes. The key to addressing periodontal disease is early diagnosis and treatment, followed by meticulous dental hygiene and professional, ongoing treatment. This entails periodontal maintenance procedures to help gain control of the disease and increase your chances of keeping your teeth. Periodontal cleanings are normally suggested every 3-4 months. If not removed every 3-4 months, periodontal bacteria can grow to a point where bone loss starts to occur again.
When you visit either of our offices, you can expect:
We work together with your restorative dentist as a team to provide you with the best possible are. Many times, periodontal cleanings are alternated between our office and your restorative dentist. During the cleaning at your restorative dentist’s office, they will concentrate on what is happening with your teeth above the gum line. When you see us at our office, we will concentrate mostly on what is happening below the gums.
On-going periodontal maintenance procedure treatments along with dental visits and cleanings with your dentist will ensure your optimum oral health and highest possible care. To prevent re-infection and avoid more periodontal treatment, it is quite important that you follow the periodontal maintenance program set out by our doctors and your restorative dentist.