Finnish researchers, publishing in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found that 59 of the 75 people who suffered from ischemic strokes had a strain of bacteria usually found in the mouth. These bacteria are believed to cause infections if they get into the bloodstream.
Ischemic strokes are caused by blockages or narrowing in arteries going to the brain (blood clot) which result in severely reduced blood flow (ischemia). They are the most common types of strokes. Said the study’s lead author, “We believe that future studies will strengthen the view that regular dental care has a more important role than previously thought in the health of people.”
Gum Disease
Do you have any of the tell-tale signs of gingivitis (gum disease)? More than likely, your dentist, if you’re going for regular check-ups, will have alerted you to any issues. But if you’ve ignored symptoms and/or have been diagnosed with severe gum disease, Drs. Fava and Levine offer a surgery-free laser procedure called LANAP® that painlessly zaps away diseased gum tissue. As one Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics patient says: “It was a life-changer, my mouth feels fabulous – my result was fantastic.”